sábado, 17 de octubre de 2009

Orienteering in Argentina - Part four

Coincidentally with the visit to Argentina of EUSEBIO GARCIA GOMEZ from SPAIN, sent by the IOF, this stage is called the “Prelaunch,” given that we started achieving a series of objectives that we had set for ourselves.

The Military Geographic Institute (IGM) prepared for us a map a the scale of 1:10,000, specifically designed for Orienteering, of the plot of the NATIONAL MILITARY SCHOOL, and in October we conducted a Clinic and the First Orienteering Event of the Institute, with markers made of cardboard, paper and codes that were logged in the control card.

We introduced Orienteering at the San Fernando Physical Education Institute, Buenos Aires Province, for the fourth year of the Physical Education Teacher Training Program, as an optional subject, taught by Professor O. Bianchi. During development, we conducted all kinds of exercises and two races, one with the Palermo Golf map and the other one with a simple map of the Sports Field of the Institute (so-called “Siberia”), which we prepared for that purpose.

In November, without any kind of outside support, we visited the PHYSICAL EDUCATION SCHOOL OF THE BRAZILIAN ARMY, in Fortaleza de Sâo Joâo, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, and we interviewed -contacted through MIGUEL BORRERO ALVAREZ and EUSEBIO GARCIA GOMEZ- Lieutenant Colonel SÊRGIO GONÇALVES BRITO, from the Brazilian Army, Professor of the Orienteering Subject in that School, from whom we received a wealth of information. He gave us support and shared his experience with us, and we invited him to visit our country.

KJELL MELANDER and JORGEN GUSTAVSSON, sent by World Wide Orienteering Promotion (WWOP), visited Salta Province and prepared two maps (San Lorenzo and Universidad Católica), which later on would be used by PEO and a group of European for teaching courses.

We continued working with civilians and the army.

On January 2, Per Oloff Bengtsson (PEO) arrived in Buenos Aires, escorted by a group of people from Sweden, Norway, Germany and Finland. On January 3 and 4, a mini-clinic and two races (individual and relay) were carried out, using the old PALERMO maps, but at the scale of 1:15,000.
The activities were attended by some of the pioneers, cilivians, group leaders, Scout members and Army representatives.

We provided support for PEO and his group (without asking or receiving any monetary compensation in return), making them feel at home in our country, in appreciation for their work.
Then they moved to Salta Province, with the assistance of the Army Officer that had served as translator in 1973.

We were invited by Lieutenant Colonel SERGIO BRÎTO (Brazil) to attend the First South American Orienteering Championship, in the city of SANTA MARIA, RS, BRAZIL, organized by the Santa María Orienteering Club.

The members of the delegation included the students of Physical Education Training for Army Officers and a civilian.
Carlos Roque Dengel won the second position in the H20 Beginner Category among thirty participants. Approximately four hundred people –mostly Brazilian, seven from Argentina, and one from Sweden- took part in said South American Championship.
It was a great experience. The delegation was also received by the Commander of the Third Corps of the Brazilian Army.

On April 8-12, Prof. O Bianchi participated, paying for all his expenses, to the city of Murcia, Spain, invited by the Spanish Group of Orienteering Clubs (Agrupación Española de Clubes de Orientación -AECO), as Observer and Technical Collaborator, in the “World Cup of Orienteering Veterans,” organized by the IOF.

There, he met Lennart Levin, IOF Secretary General, and submitted the documentation required for the recently created ARGENTINE ORIENTEERING SPORT FEDERATION (FDORA) to apply as member of the INTERNATIONAL ORIENTEERING FEDERATION (IOF)
Our National Flag was first hoisted in an IOF World Championship.

Additionally, he participated in the Ninth International “Martin Kronlund” Trophy, in Sierra de Guadarrama, and was invited to accompany a group of children in their debut in Orienteering.

He also attended, as an observer, the “First Costa Blanca International Orienteering Trophy” in Alicante, Spain.

The main objective was to get familiarized with event organization and develop a network of contact people within the Orienteering world.

In Murcia, he made a personal purchase of 100 (one hundred) compasses of Russian origin, which he later used and made available free of charge for all courses, races and clinics he organized, as well as for use by people related to the Federation.

On June 29-30, invited by the Government of Santa Cruz Province, we carried out an Orienteering Course and race (demonstration) in the square of Rio Gallegos City, with the participation of 138 people. A simple map of the city’s central square was prepared. As a peculiarity, this would be the first and southernmost of the courses delivered as of that date in the world, with a temperature of 15º C below zero.

We received the visit of SIVERT AXELSSON and ULF ERICSSON, from Sweden, sent by PEO. They prepared five maps, with the support of the Argentine Army and of the Military Geographic Institute, and with our permanent support and company. (Palermo Golf - Palermo Rosedal – Ezeiza – Bosques del Parque Pereyra Iraola, and a new map of the National Military School). We provided accommodation at the Officers Hotels of the National Military School – Infantry Regiment 1 and Communication Battalion 601.

On November 20, with an orienteering map, scale 1: 10,000, prepared by the Military Geographic Institute, we held an event for the entire second year of Military School General San Martín. Sivert Axelsson and Ulf Ericsson, from Sweden, traced the trails and controlled the competition.

We contacted Milton Orrego and others in URUGUAY to introduce them to the Swedish men who were in Buenos Aires, so that they would decide where the map should be charted for the subsequent trips of PEO and their groups.

We continued working with civilian organizations (Scout Groups) and the Army.